Products & Services
Unlike other tools, the Decision Profile helps you to understand where you can take action to change. So, if the way in which the report describes how you make decisions doesn’t feel right for you personally (or right for your business or for your team), the tool will help you to objectively understand that and help you to formulate strategies to change.International HR Director – Global Information Management Company
The Decision Profile and its products can be applied to a whole organisation. They reach all parts of personal and working life, be it Individual Decision Profiling, exploring the collective decision making of a team, or the assessment and development of a whole organisation and its culture.
Use the Individual Decision Profile to understand your personal preferences, unlock your creative potential and understand your individual approach to decision making.
Assess how groups work together with our Group Decision Profile, and explore how they could further develop their internal communication and decision making.
Discover an Organisation’s decision making culture, virtually build your teams, assess your talent and recruit for talent that you do not have with our Organisational Design Consultancy Module and Consultancy Services.
We offer personal Feedback Services for Individuals and Groups, and can work with clients to develop their personal or organisational decision making.