Products & Services for Me
The Decision Profile provided me with a key personal insight regarding my own decision-making. Given that my profile was only one of a possible 8 profiles, I understood that when I am making decisions and changing my mind and learning new things, I need to make sure that I take other people, with different profiles, on that journey with me. I would not have been aware of that if I hadn’t worked with the Decision Profile.Decision Profile Customer
We are ALL different.
We should not assume that others understand the world, and make decisions within it, in the same ways as we do. Instead, we should explore how we can all make fuller use of our unique talents.
The Individual Decision Profile explores HOW you arrive at your decisions and WHY you might make decisions in a different way to others. It helps you to understand yourself and the people around you, and encourages you to reflect upon and appreciate who you really are.
Complete your own Individual Decision Profile now and get your personalised feedback report results instantly.
Receive an hour long Personal Feedback Telecom from one of our Trained Specialists.
And you can also build a Personal Development Plan by working with one of our Consultant Psychologists and Coaches.