Explore some of the most prevalent ways in which our clients have used the Decision Profile.
Decision Profile Insights
What I love about the Decision Profile is that it comes in really cleanly to help an individual, group and whole organisation understand how they approach decision making. The information that the Decision Profile...VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise Organisation
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What I love about the Decision Profile is that it comes in really cleanly to help an individual, group and whole organisation understand how they approach decision making. The information that the Decision Profile provides, and the questions it makes you ask yourself, can really help you to be much more aware and focused on how you make decisions, and reflect on how you’re living your life and running your career.VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise Organisation
Unlike other tools, the Decision Profile helps you to understand where you can take action to change. So, if the way in which the report describes how you make decisions doesn’t feel right for you personally (or right for your business or for your team), the tool will help you to objectively understand that and help you to formulate strategies to change.International HR Director – Global Information Management Company
For me, the most powerful thing about the Decision Profile is that your profile is not set in stone and you do not simply stay in that profile forever - unless you choose to. It provides you with a piece of self-awareness and gives you the space to reflect on the operational context within which you are making decisions; be it in a team environment, the organisation you are working in or indeed your fundamental and individual decision-making preferences. The tool provides you with the objective information required to make an informed choice about how you make decisions and whether that sets you up to achieve personal, team or organisational success.International Decision Profile Licensee and Coach
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The Decision Profile’s ability to assess the role of intuition in decision-making is profound. My profile revealed that I have significant intuitive capabilities but, the first time I worked with the tool, it helped me to realise...Organisational Change Consultant – US based Electrical Energy Company
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The Decision Profile’s ability to assess the role of intuition in decision-making is profound. My profile revealed that I have significant intuitive capabilities but, the first time I worked with the tool, it helped me to realise that I was massively underplaying those skills. I was constantly looking for facts and data to support my intuition and not really incorporating my instinctual analysis. I wasn’t listening to my intuition or giving it the space in order to help me make better ‘whole-brained’ decisions and to move forward with more pace, agility and personal certainty. I now approach decision-making with greater flexibility and use my intuition. People should listen to and play with their intuition more!Organisational Change Consultant – US based Electrical Energy Company
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Individual Assessment
The Decision Profile provided me with a key personal insight regarding my own decision-making. Given that my profile was only one of a possible 8 profiles, I understood that when I am making decisions and changing...Decision Profile Customer
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The Decision Profile provided me with a key personal insight regarding my own decision-making. Given that my profile was only one of a possible 8 profiles, I understood that when I am making decisions and changing my mind and learning new things, I need to make sure that I take other people, with different profiles, on that journey with me. I would not have been aware of that if I hadn’t worked with the Decision Profile.Decision Profile Customer
I found the Decision Profile to be really insightful, as it helped me become a much more self-aware leader. The first step on the journey of developing effective leadership is self-awareness, and the tool helped me to spot when I was doing certain things and making decisions which I could probably do differently in order to achieve a better outcome.Decision Profile Customer
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Group Assessment
I have worked with the Group Decision Profile extensively, within various businesses around the world; particularly those that are tasked with change. Often a stumbling block for many was the inability to make...International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
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I have worked with the Group Decision Profile extensively, within various businesses around the world; particularly those that are tasked with change. Often a stumbling block for many was the inability to make decisions that would help them to change in the right direction - at the right time! In many of the teams I’ve worked with, proactive, change-oriented decision making was a real organisational challenge. Often when you are working with teams that have been thrown together quickly, through reorganisation, from M&A activities, or when you are building new teams to grow your business, you are pulling a lot of people together who do not know each other that well. They are all trying to be nice to each other, seeking to understand how they can work together and attempting to include everyone on the journey. But then you find that you have one or more people who just want to get on with things and create a concise road map, some people who want to take things slow, pause, reflect, etc. Then you find that all sorts of conflict arise - and no one really understands why! When you bring different people together, with different Decision Profiles (or sometimes the same profiles), you can quickly understand why it can take so long to make a decision or why collective decision making feels so painful for teams; and that decision making accountability may not be clear. The Group Decision Profile gives you an objective and depersonalised view of the different decision making preferences within teams. It provides a pragmatic vehicle for problem-solving discussion and operational planning which avoids conflict.International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
I have invested a lot of time to see what type of decision-making we need to create within our teams, and then spent time thinking about, not where we are, but where we think we need to be in order to be successful. And then I have looked at where the gaps are. What is the best profile for this team to have and how far away are we from that? What are we going to do differently? What are the blind spots? What do we need to be mindful of and how do we improve the decision making across the team? The Decision Profile has been essential in helping so many teams answer those questions.Head of Talent – UK based LLP
The Decision Profile was instrumental in helping my team move forward individually and collectively. When faced with new business challenges and wider organisational goals, my team simply HAD to step up in order to develop their commercial decision-making and grow their influence as business leaders. The Decision Profile provided us with crucial information about how we make our decisions both as individuals and as a leadership group. This allowed us to baseline our effectiveness as a decision making unit and then allowed me to work with my team and their Profiles to change our decision making culture, develop our attitudes to commercial risk and ensure that we achieved our objectives. The in-depth decision-making analysis and information that is provided by the Decision Profile allows individuals, teams and whole organisations to understand their effectiveness as decision makers and then make the appropriate changes to meet their goals.Commercial Director – Leading UK based Children’s Charity
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If you have clarity about what your business challenges are, where your teams are currently, and when you understand the type of decision makers you need, the Decision Profile can play an active role in your...International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
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If you have clarity about what your business challenges are, where your teams are currently, and when you understand the type of decision makers you need, the Decision Profile can play an active role in your recruitment processes. When you are looking to bring new people into your organisation, there is a real opportunity for you to recruit talent that will help you effect the change you want to see. The Decision Profile can help you to have key insights into how potential new hires make decisions. It would be a mistake, from an inclusivity and diversity perspective, to recruit people that make decisions in the same way that everyone else does within your organisation. ‘Recruitment to type’ will not solve your problem. In the face of change, you need different ways of thinking, a diverse approach to decision making. As a leader, you then need to ensure that you create an environment where all decision makers can be heard.International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
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Learning & Development
I made a strategic decision to use the Decision Profile as one of my key developmental and recruitment assessment tools. It gave my organisation a common way and language to help us to look at all our leaders...International Organisation Development & Engagement Director – Global Corporation
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I made a strategic decision to use the Decision Profile as one of my key developmental and recruitment assessment tools. It gave my organisation a common way and language to help us to look at all our leaders across the organisation and to understand how they operated as individuals and as part of a leadership team. Business leaders often move roles to reflect the needs of the organisation, and in order to get the most out of them you also need to make sure that, when they come together as a group, that you have a good balance of people; a balance of decision making styles. The DP was invaluable from a cultural and leadership perspective, as it gave us a clear view of where we were out of balance. It helped me to work with leaders and understand why you might give some a higher voice and how to leverage differences to drive performance and build a strong organisation. The Decision Prodile was an instrumental part of that.International Organisation Development & Engagement Director – Global Corporation
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Mergers & Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions present significant due diligence challenges. The Decision Profile is a tool that you can roll-out very quickly and easily to both leadership teams in order to provide vital human due diligence...International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
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Mergers and acquisitions present significant due diligence challenges. The Decision Profile is a tool that you can roll-out very quickly and easily to both leadership teams in order to provide vital human due diligence information. It will show how aligned and how different businesses are from a decision-making perspective. In my experience, it helped us to think about how to build new teams in the new organisational structure. It also helped us to understand how we could help retain business leaders to asses and drive change, and how we could advise them to manage their new teams differently.International HR Director and VP Global Talent – Global Enterprise & Information Management Company
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In my experience, far too little ‘business time’ is spent on looking at organisational culture – perhaps because it is sometimes seen as subjective and maybe even ‘soft’. In reality however, making decisions is actually...VP of Organisational Development and Global Talent
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In my experience, far too little ‘business time’ is spent on looking at organisational culture – perhaps because it is sometimes seen as subjective and maybe even ‘soft’. In reality however, making decisions is actually a really difficult thing to do. So, even your hardest-nosed business leader should recognise the value of understanding their organisational culture from a decision making perspective. How is this leadership team going to make decisions? And what needs to be done culturally to effect real, tangible business growth? These are questions that leaders will WANT and NEED to answer! The Decision Profile is highly adept at providing answers to those questions. So, you are not dealing with the soft and the subjective. You are dealing with pragmatic, vital information that will explain to leaders how teams are going to make decisions in order to grow this business, how success is going to be delivered by this team or that team, and how they behave and will make decisions to move things forward.VP of Organisational Development and Global Talent
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